Monday, August 22, 2016

My Instagram is About to Get a Loooot Prettier... [Life Update]

Remember when I said Matt and I had some big life news to share? Well... the time has come to share with everyone... !!!

We are moving to Southern California next month.

Yes, really. We are moving (again). It's been a lifelong dream of mine to one day live in California (and Matt has also fallen under its spell... because, honestly, who can resist SoCal?). And from the day we moved to Arizona, we've always known that we would end up in Southern California. The weather, the views, the air -- it all just makes our souls so happy.

So after a lot of serendipitous instances and life choice discussions over the past few weeks, all signs seemed to be pointing west to Cali. Matt and I are both SO EXCITED to start this next chapter of our lives. We have had the absolute best 3+ years here in Phoenix, and we will miss everyone more than we can even begin to say.

But the timing just feels right. So we're doing it. We are jumping in head first.

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If you have any recommendations in San Diego County (beaches, parks, hiking trails, restaurants, bomb ass coffee shops, etc), please reach out to me!

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PS: Okay, be honest. How many of you expected me to say our big news was that we eloped secretly and/or were pregnant? I would bet at least 94% of you initially thought that ;)

PPS: As we continue on with our job/apartment/new life in general searches, please forgive me if LunaVida posts are a little more sporadic than usual. I apologize in advance, but I will be back ASAP -- and I promise that the photos are about to get a LOT more beautifully beach-y!

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  1. How Fun!!!

  2. Seems amazing 😁, the different levels of news leads me to think it surprising could be good and bad. People have offered me some awkward surprises but there have been some fun ones for sure


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